"No me cuentes lo maravillosa que es tu tecnología. Cuéntame cómo vas a conseguir
que alguien pague por el producto que se basa en ella".
El emprendedor tecnológico, que acostumbra a ser un ingeniero o un científico (ver mi post anterior), está tan orgulloso de la tecnología que ha desarrollado que dedica la mayor parte del plan de negocio o de la presentación del mismo o del "elevator pitch" a cantar las excelencias de la misma, olvidando que la audiencia, potenciales inversores, no es experta en tecnologías y sólo está interesada en cuántos clientes van a pagar cuánto dinero por el producto basado en dicha tecnología. Demasiado a menudo el emprenedor tecnológico se olvida que la tecnología, en el mundo de los negocios, es sólo un medio para generar caja, y que si no hay caja no hay negocio.
En relación con la tecnología, al potencial inversor sólo le interesan dos cosas: que funcione y que los costes de desarrollo y explotación sean conocidos y estén bajo control. Y le interesan ambas cosas porque tienen un impacto directo sobre la caja.
"Do not tell me how wonderful your technology is. Tell me how you are going to get someone to pay for the product that is based on it."
Technology entrepreneurs, usually engineers or scientists (see my previous post), are so proud of the technology they have developed that they spend most of their business plan or their presentation or their "elevator pitch" singing the praises of it, forgetting that the audience, potential investors, are not experts in technology and are only interested in how many customers are going to pay how much money for the product based on this technology. Too often they forget that technology in the business world is only a means to generate cash, and that a business without cash is not actually a business.
Regarding technology, potential investors are only interested in two things: confirmation that it really works and confirmation that the costs of development and operation are known and controlled. They are only interested in both because they have a direct impact on net cash generation.
El emprendedor tecnológico, que acostumbra a ser un ingeniero o un científico (ver mi post anterior), está tan orgulloso de la tecnología que ha desarrollado que dedica la mayor parte del plan de negocio o de la presentación del mismo o del "elevator pitch" a cantar las excelencias de la misma, olvidando que la audiencia, potenciales inversores, no es experta en tecnologías y sólo está interesada en cuántos clientes van a pagar cuánto dinero por el producto basado en dicha tecnología. Demasiado a menudo el emprenedor tecnológico se olvida que la tecnología, en el mundo de los negocios, es sólo un medio para generar caja, y que si no hay caja no hay negocio.
En relación con la tecnología, al potencial inversor sólo le interesan dos cosas: que funcione y que los costes de desarrollo y explotación sean conocidos y estén bajo control. Y le interesan ambas cosas porque tienen un impacto directo sobre la caja.
"Do not tell me how wonderful your technology is. Tell me how you are going to get someone to pay for the product that is based on it."
Technology entrepreneurs, usually engineers or scientists (see my previous post), are so proud of the technology they have developed that they spend most of their business plan or their presentation or their "elevator pitch" singing the praises of it, forgetting that the audience, potential investors, are not experts in technology and are only interested in how many customers are going to pay how much money for the product based on this technology. Too often they forget that technology in the business world is only a means to generate cash, and that a business without cash is not actually a business.
Regarding technology, potential investors are only interested in two things: confirmation that it really works and confirmation that the costs of development and operation are known and controlled. They are only interested in both because they have a direct impact on net cash generation.
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Box populi però els emprenedors encara ensopeguen amb aquesta pedra. Per vendre un producte és necessiten 3 factors principals: marketing online, marketing offline i remarketing. O sigui marketing
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