Fa unes setmanes amb un grup de col·legues discutíem de quina manera les empreses poden involucrar els seus treballadors en la bona marxa del negoci. Com que la conversa era en anglès, no ens va caldre posar-nos prèviament d'acord sobre què vol dir involucrar i a quina mena de treballadors ens referim quan parlem de treballadors. Hem d'admetre que en alguns camps, i l'economia n'és un, la precisió de l'anglès facilita les coses. El diccionari diu que engage significa 'fer que algú esdevingui interessat en una activitat' i que els front line employees són 'els empleats que tracten directament amb clients o que fan un producte'. Els meus col·legues donaven receptes 'dins del sistema': realitzar activitats lúdiques i festives per augmentar el seu sentiment de pertinença a l'organització, proporcionar-los formació, comunicar-se amb ells a través de diversos mitjans (xerrades, newsletters, etc.), fer-los participar en brainstorming sessions per generar idees de millora, premiar-los per idees de millora aportades, reconèixer públicament la seva contribució individual o en equip, implementar sistemes de retribució variable amb incentius vinculats a l'assoliment d'objectius personals i d'empresa, donar-los stock options... Jo els vaig dir que no hi ha cap fórmula que sigui més efectiva per aconseguir involucrar els treballadors en la bona marxa del negoci que fer que els treballadors siguin a la vegada els accionistes de l'empresa. Les empreses de matriu cooperativa, independentment dels seus resultats, són les que tenen el personal més involucrat. Com que els meus col·legues eren tots anglosaxons van fer cara de no entendre res i em van dir que aquesta era una fórmula 'fora del sistema'; gairebé comunista!
A few weeks ago with some colleagues we discussed how companies can engage their front line employees in firm's performance. By front line employees we meant those dealing directly with customers or making a product. My colleagues gave recipes 'within the system': offer fun and festive activities to increase their sense of belonging to the organization, provide them with training, communicate with them through various means (conferences, newsletters, etc.), make them participate in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for improvement, reward them for suggestions for improvement provided, publicly acknowledge them for their individual or team contribution, implement variable compensation systems with incentives linked to the achievement of personal and business objectives, give them stock options ... I said that the most effective formula to engage front line employees is converting them into shareholders. Cooperative firms, regardless of their performance, are the ones with the most engaged staff. Because my colleagues were all Anglo-Saxons they did not understand anything and I was told that my formula was 'outside the system'; indeed comunist!
A few weeks ago with some colleagues we discussed how companies can engage their front line employees in firm's performance. By front line employees we meant those dealing directly with customers or making a product. My colleagues gave recipes 'within the system': offer fun and festive activities to increase their sense of belonging to the organization, provide them with training, communicate with them through various means (conferences, newsletters, etc.), make them participate in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for improvement, reward them for suggestions for improvement provided, publicly acknowledge them for their individual or team contribution, implement variable compensation systems with incentives linked to the achievement of personal and business objectives, give them stock options ... I said that the most effective formula to engage front line employees is converting them into shareholders. Cooperative firms, regardless of their performance, are the ones with the most engaged staff. Because my colleagues were all Anglo-Saxons they did not understand anything and I was told that my formula was 'outside the system'; indeed comunist!
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